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An English-Nepali-English Dictionary

Written in partnership with Major Lyangsong Lepcha 2GR and Captain Harkaman Gurung BA 2GR, this dictionary in both English and Deva Nagari scripts was 'intended to provide a compendium of words useful to the general public' and was designed to be the working dictionary of the British Brigade of Gurkhas, the Gurkha Contingent of the Singapore Police Force and the Gurkha Reserve Unit of Brunei.
The first part is English to Nepali, the second Nepali (in the Deva Nagari script with Roman transliteration) to English. 454 pages.
The dictionary was written with a team of soldiers of the British Brigade of Gurkhas in Hong kong and Brunei between 1985 and 1993, printed by Burgess of Abingdon, England, and published in 1994.
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